My shoutouts:
A cracking hook line which reinforced the necessity to capture people’s attention early! But the main reason this resonated with me was the notion of ‘on purpose’. Only doing things that you have a made a positive decision about doing.
I also enjoyed the description of forcing oneself to reflect on whether they are actually doing things the best way they can, or just the way they are used to doing it.
What can we do to ensure that teachers have time to follow their own curiosities?
What I am going to do differently….
Firstly, I will spend more time with people, being present. Naturally, I am not a social extrovert. I like being in people’s company, but it is not how I rejuvenate myself. But, I ‘The Innovator’s Mindset’ clearly points out, empathy and relationships is where the journey to improvement and change begins. relationships are key. So I will go to where the people are. These places around school where groups gather, and people talk. And I will listen, be present, and build my understanding of what their situations are.
Next, I will spend more time learning. Choice paralysis is a real thing. And as a learning technology coach I face a lot of choice. So many new technologies, with new possibilities rear their heads on a daily basis. So, how can I be more effective? I’m going to make some purposeful choices to learn. To choose something and learn about that.
Finally, I am going to share. I will share my learning using our school hashtag #BSJBbytes. But I will also be the voice for others in our school. I will be sharing their successes and their experiences in the aim of promoting that acceleration of progress in our community.
With these three (manageable) changes, I think I can begin to make a difference, this is my challenge!