Friday, 31 March 2017

So you think you know what is happening in your classroom....

The Hidden Lives of Learners
Graham Nuthall

This is an incredible insight into the workings of the classroom. Recommended to me by @MrDMJWalsh, Nuthall set up microphones and cameras to track each and every interaction and utterance of random students in classes. His team then painstakingly transcribed and analysed each one. Following this Nuthall and his team were able to predict with incredible accuracy exactly what each student would have learnt, and did learn during the observed periods. He explains the huge influence peers have on learning, and the necessary repetition required before real learning happens. Again this pushes back against the current scourge of curricula which are over-crammed with content.

Pros: Incredibly insightful for those who believe they have a handle on what happens in their classroom.

Cons: Unfortunately, Nuthall is no longer with us to explore his findings further.

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